hands immersed in water trying to connect with water spiritually

How To Spiritually Connect With Water

The best way to spiritually connect with water is by being grateful and acknowledging the element’s immutable presence in your life. This is what I would argue is all you need to deepen your spiritual practice of connection.

It is also a known fact that life first began in water. Even you, in your early stages of development, spent your first nine months inside the womb of your mother surrounded by warm water-like fluid.

Also, the question about how to spiritually connect with water seems somewhat funny to me since you ARE water already! Up to 70% of the human body is water, and a mere recognition of this fact can work wonders to connect you with the water element inside you that is already present. 

But is it that simple? I have found that a simple act of gratitude is enough. But I know this does not come so easily for someone who is trying it for the first time, since we live differently and are intermingled in the maya of life. 

A process that shows you the “how to” part can always be helpful. A process that you can follow at your will and feel more connected to the water element inside and around you, until it just becomes your second-nature.

I have listed some easy ways with which you will be able to consciously and spiritually connect yourself with the water element and start a practice that can help you live more mindfully and consciously.

5 Easy Ways To Spiritually Connect With Water

Connecting with water is as simple as shifting your awareness or consciousness towards the fact that you and all life around you are dependent on it for survival.

This conscious noticing sometimes does not come easily to most of us due to various reasons, and some practices are needed that can act as a catalyst to deepen your knowledge and appreciation. Below are my favorite ones:

1. A Gratefulness Shower or A Bath

This is by far the easiest way to connect with the water element. Next time you hop in the shower or a bath. Image how the water that runs over your body or lets you immerse in itself.

a man taking a shower in nature
Image by Freepik

All the pipes it travelled from, all the wells it filled, all the dams it waited in, all the ridges it flowed over, the journey it made as a cloud…so patiently. Try to trace it back to its unknown origin. Let your imagination work.

Once your imagination runs its course, you shall feel a sense of gratefulness as a byproduct because you can never actually trace the source of water very precisely, and yet it is there right there, so close and so familiar as if it belongs to you.

With this awareness and consciousness, there will be certain gratefulness. And with this gratitude, appreciation might come naturally. I started to reduce my time in the shower due to this realization, and started to save more water.

3. A Moment Before Drinking

Yes, it’s that simple, but again, it is your conscious attention that matters here. I would recommend you use a glass here. Look at your reflection in it and how soon it is going to be a part of your being. Be grateful for its mere availability.

a glass of water
Image by Freepik

You are basically looking at yourself at this point, or rather, the future you, just in another form. This should stir some appreciation and gratefulness in your heart, which is not superficial but from a deeper understanding and knowing.

In our busy lives, we hardly take any time to do such things. I have noticed that if you do some things slower than usual, you begin to notice the details that you never did before. You can try this not only with water but anything else & cultivate appreciation for it.

3. By Swimming In It With Awareness

Do you ever go fishing, or kayaking, a swim in the nearby lake or a river, a walk alongside an old lake, etc? If you do this can be a great opportunity for union with the water element in its rawest, original, primordial form.

a man consciously swimming in water with eyes close trying to spiritually connect with water
Image by Freepik

Water is the ultimate purifier in many religions. For instance, in the Hindu religion, we were often told to take a dip in the Ganges to wash away our sins and purify our souls. I think not only the Ganges but natural water bodies all around the world have similar effects if the intent is right.

Water that’s available naturally as a course of its journey without interference from human activities like pumping and collection can be a great spectacle to even watch. If you have such untouched water bodies nearby. Don’t miss an opportunity to take a swim in it. (Please make sure it is safe and legal where you live first.)

As you begin to immerse yourself in the water body, notice its stillness and its welcoming nature of how it lets you disturb its stillness. Notice its ancient nature, its journey, which seems to have momentarily come to a halt, even though it hasn’t.

Just like water, try to be consciously welcoming, unyielding, and yet quiet. Well, you are all of those things already, but all you need is a little awareness to notice them as being already a part of you, and hopefully, this exercise might help you amplify this awareness even more.

4. By Helping Protect The Natural Water Bodies Near You

You can take connecting with water spiritually one step further and be a part of the water conservation movements that happen in your town or city. This is also a great part to connect with water as a whole, as a community.

Young man splashing water in hands while washing his face
Image by Freepik

You can convert your boring, artificial lawn into a meadow where every watering different varieties seems like a fulfilling activity and not to mention it benefits your local flora and fauna as well.

While on hikes or casual strolls near the water bodies with your friends or family, be mindful of the rules that you, as a visitor, have to observe. For instance, recreational activities like swimming for people and pets might not be allowed near certain areas for public health and safety reasons.

If you can’t find time for a unified public effort towards water conservation, then simply do your part and try to save water at your home works too. Your individual actions count and can sometimes be more fruitful than the ones that have a lot to showcase.

5. By Forgiving & Loving Yourself

It is a well-established fact that our bodies constitute up to 75%. So roughly two-thirds of what you call “I” is largely stored water. It is, of course, on its own journey, you are merely a vessel you replenish every day.

Young man splashing water in hands while washing his face
Image by Freepik

The old is removed while the new takes its place. This simple realization can create space between the old you and what you really are, a vessel. A vessel which the water replenishes, purifies, and gives life to, all without asking anything in return.

Now, all of a sudden, it is so much easier to forgive yourself. After all, you are not someone with a big ego anymore. You have awareness, and with it, the ability to forgive and love yourself simultaneously. 

Just like water does its part of revitalizing every pore in your body, it is your duty to forgive your past self and create harmony and love as a token of love and gratefulness for the element of water inside you.

If you love the element of water inside the lake, you have to love the element of water inside you, which is essentially you. You cannot simply love one and not love the other.

It’s All About Cultivating Inner Gratefulness

A spiritual connection with water is possible only by being grateful for it in the first place. This connection is not about getting something out of it, it is rather about giving it something that you already owed to it.

There is nothing you owe water but gratitude. It doesn’t ask for it, rather, it’s out of love and respect that you feel such feelings when you are on the path of spirituality. 

If you are still reading, let’s take a moment and be thankful to the water element inside you and you as a person walking this planet.

Have a nice day! 






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